Why we’re starting another team in Oakland.

Why start a team in Oakland? This is more than a business endeavor, we aim to build an organization centered around you. We believe having our ear to the ground and involving ourselves at a grassroots level is a foundational viewpoint. The Town Fc’s founding members reflect this desire, community members who embody the trailblazing spirit of Oakland. Building our circle of influence outward, lending our effort where needed. Soccer for societal change has become the new trend, exclusive merch drops and social media posts becoming the current marketing strategies. But not often followed by action, most teams aiming to please both the affluent profiteering class while using the working class as a shield for their lack of true interconnection.

We rebuke this approach. Our goal isn’t filling our pockets with wads of cash and becoming commercially acceptable. We will change the lives of our community members, providing jobs, educational opportunities, free clinics, and player/human development all in the aim to build something you will identify with and be proud of. We ask for your patience as we take the time required to properly build something we hope will stand the test of time. But most importantly, we ask the communities permission to represent them, and ask that you involve yourselves in our journey. Ubuntu, “I am because you are”

~ Saalih Muhammad

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